My greatest fear has come true. I am 2 weeks away from the Surf City 1/2 marathon and I am injured. Last week during my 11 mile run I bolted across an intersection and when I went up on the curb I did something to my knee. I new right away something did not feel right. It wasn't too bad so I ran an additional 7 miles on it determined to get my full 11 miles in.
( not the best idea)
After taking 3 days off I hit the streets again this past Thursday and had to stop running after only 0.46. I was in terrible pain. So here I am today 7 days off and determined that I will still run my race come Hell or high water.
I have been using the RICE method for several days now and I do see some improvement but it just still aches no matter what. Not the type of ache that makes it hard to walk or makes me think surgery is in my future but the kind that I know takes awhile to heal.
I am not in a panic just yet. I know my body and how hard I have trained. If I am able to run by Thursday I can still salvage my race. I have had much worse injuries in the past and recovered but part of me is always scared thinking what if that was my last run ever ?
Some people might laugh and wonder why someone would cry over not being able to run and I say to those people that you have no idea what true freedom and peace is until you run.
Running is more than just exercise to me. It is my happy place and long Sunday runs are my Church. The place where life begins to make sense and true living begins. I would be crushed and lost without it.
I know that right now I do not need to let crazy thoughts occupy my mind. I need to stay positive and keep visualizing the finish line.
I believe I have a good strategy tonight now. I will continue with R.I.C.E and I am also going to the gym to do the elliptical. It is very low impact and great for keeping my cardio up. I would hate to run that whole 1/.2 sucking air from being out of shape. If I do not see some great improvement I am going to see my Doctor and check to see if a Cortisone shot is available to me. I hear mixed reviews regarding cortisone but I am willing to try it out.
I will for sure keep you posted on the outcome. Hopefully in 2 weeks I will be posting finish line photos. The next big question is what tutu am I going to wear ?
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