Friday, June 28, 2013
Ditching the Music
Saying goodbye to my iPod
I hate to admit this but there have been times that I have actually abandoned a run because my iPod died or Pandora wasn't working for some reason. I just couldn't run without music and hearing the sounds of my breathing and feet pounding the pavement was somehow unsettling to me. I have heard many times how unsafe it is to run the streets with headphones in and I REALLY love running the streets. I live close to the beach but the streets is my happy place.
Try to picture me on a run Nike visor on, dark sunglasses and headphones all the way with the volume cranked up high, Totally cut off from everything lost in my own world thinking that was what running is all about. When I would go to races I was exactly the same way and although I could occasionally hear cow belles clanging and see mouth moving when I glanced around I have no idea what was going on at those events.I totally missed out on the whole thing.
Not so long ago something magical happened at a Saturday run with my running club. I took one headphone out and found it was kind cool. I started talking to other runners and I thought "wow I should do this more often" I got used to sound of my breathing and feet hitting the pavements. It was neat to hear and when I realized my stride was off by sound I was able to make a quick correction.
On my next run near my house I decided to leave my iPod at home and I hit the streets. Holly Molly what an experience! I found out people all around me had been talking to me. Saying hello and good morning. One very kind lady even told me I was doing a good job. I could hear bikes and cars coming from all directions. Seagulls and the waves hitting the shore. It was if a whole new world had opened up and I had crossed over as a runner. I was always so into my experience with my music I had actually missed out on the true running experience.
I am sure this is not a new concept to many runners. I used to pass runners all the time without headphones and wonder how they did that or why they would want to. I am just glad I was able to find the joy in not running with them. I doubt i will ever run headphones again in my life. I am so excited to run my next race without them. I am sure I will find there is just so much more going on at race than I ever knew.
Runners World had a great debate on the pros and cons of running without music. there are so many reason that I never even thought of check it out sometime if you get chance.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Positive Self Talk
Positive Self Talk
How important is positive self talk? Most people would agree that it is super important and that you should do it everyday and I am one of those people. I look around at the world and see the beauty in all. I look at a long to do list or difficult challenge and say I've got this. I have an A type personality so I get everything done i set out to do.
However, I had a few recent experiences that left me dumbfounded. I would go to a race pumped up an excited. I had trained hard, rested, ate right and then something happens during the race every single time. I could never figure out what happened and would come in home in tears. I would often miss my goal time or I would be out there and all the sudden here this voice screaming in my head "why are you doing this?" or "is this ever going to end?" I would always think what the heck? I have all these amazing training runs one right after another with outstanding times, huge hills and no crazy voices in my head or sluggish tired legs.
I finally had to sit down and really examine what was going on. Fortunately one of my favorite sites here in So Cal called Race Grader had posted an article on positive self talk while running. It occurred to me after I read it that I had been SEVERELY negative self-talking at races. An example would by " Geez how do they call that a rolling hill?" or " This sucks I can't believe how bottle necked this path is" one negative thought after another. I was just one giant running negative Nancy on the course. I feel embarrassed to tell anyone I let this happen to me and didn't even realize it but I have seen some things lately and started listening to others and I don't thinks it is that uncommon.
I think we as runners can psych ourselves out when we head out to race. Most runners are already questioning the taper week and if it is going to hurt them or help them. When I stand in my starting corral I often see people just completely overwhelmed with emotion. It's one thing to read about a course and view it online and it is totally different to be out there on it. There are many reasons runners get psyched out and it is easy to get into to the negative self talk. The tricky part is learning to get over it.
Here is what I did... basically I just found some phrases and whenever something negative would pop into my head during a run I would chase it out with all these positive phrases. I memorized these so I had some on hand for I needed them quickly.
I use these when I am feeling drained on a run or when I start making deals with myself to cut it short.
- You are strong
- Hills make me strong
- Running up this hills makes me a warrior
- This is my joy
- This is the part that counts so keep going
- No this isn't easy if it was everyone would do it
- This is my happy place
- I love this run
- I don't have to do I want to do this and this is a privilege
- Pain is temporary pride is forever
- Suck it up buttercup
- This might be tough but I am tougher
The real test came on a recent 5k. I have been trying to sub 30 since November 2012. I have come close but never gotten close enough and each time I improved only by 1 or 2 seconds. The night before my 5k I just sat down and wrote all kinds of positive sayings in my training journal. I also went onto pace predictor and looked at what pace I needed to keep in order to achieve my goal . Once I saw it I knew that was top speed for me so I just said to myself who cares if I pass out at the finish line it happens all the time.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Fit Foods Friday: Cranberry Oat Cookies

These cookies are amazing. I found a recipe on pintrest and adjusted it to make it lower in calories and sugars. They are delicious and hearty almost like a granola bar style cookie. They are very sweet from the banana and cranberry. Delicious!!!
Cranberry Oat Cookies
2 large ripe bananas
2 c. rolled oats
1/3 c. applesauce
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tbsp. ground flax
1/2 c. dried cranberries
2 tbsp. splenda
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Using a fork, mash the bananas in a bowl. Stir in oats, applesauce, dried cranberries, flax and vanilla extract. Mix batter well. Drop by rounded spoonfuls onto a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 20 minutes.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
TUTU of the MONTH : June
Starting this month and every month after I will be having tutu of the month.
I am picking one tutu from my shop and offering it a discounted rate.
This months tutu is the 4th of July Stars and Stripes.
Normally $36.95 but for the entire month of June you can purchase it for $31.95.
Later this month I will be doing a survey and you can vote for next months featured tutu!
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